Overall Objectives

Overall Objectives

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives


  • Title: Laboratoire International de Recherche en BIoinformatique

  • Coordinators: E. Zucca (Italy)

  • BAMBOO participant(s): Pierluigi Crescenzi (external member BAMBOO)

  • Type: Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca

  • Web page: http://bart.disi.unige.it/DISCO/

LIA project with Brazil: LIRIO

Inria-Faperj (Brazil) project: RAMPA

  • Title: Bioinformatics for the Reconstruction and Analysis of the Metabolism of PArasites

  • Coordinators: M.-F. Sagot (France), A. T. Vasconcelos (LNCC, Brazil)

  • BAMBOO participant(s): Whole BAMBOO Team

  • Type: Faperj-Inria

  • Web page: Not available

Project within CIRIC

  • Title: Omics Integrative Sciences

  • Coordinators: Alejandro Maass (Chile), Anne Siegel and M.-F. Sagot (France)

  • BAMBOO participant(s): BAMBOO Team

  • Type: Communication and Information Research and Innovation Center (CIRIC)

  • Web page: Not available

Inria International Partners

  • Acronym: AMICI

  • Title: Algorithms and Mathematics for Investigating Communication and Interactions intra- and inter-organisms

  • Coordinators: M.-F. Sagot (France), A. Marchetti-Spaccamela (Univ. Rome, Italy), L. Stougie (Free Univ. Amsterdam and CWI, the Netherlands), P. Crescenzi, Univ. Florence, Italy), N. Pisanti (Univ. Pise, Italy)

  • BAMBOO participant(s): Whole BAMBOO Team

  • Type: Inria International Partner

  • Web page: http://amici.dsi.unifi.it/amici/